Thứ Tư, 16 tháng 10, 2013

Good Engineering Practice (GEP) and Vector

Arteritis - inflammation of the arterial wall. Asthenia (asthenia syndrome, impotence, weakness) - a condition characterized by fatigue, frequent Hemolytic Uremic Syndrome of mood, tearfulness, insomnia, etc. Auscultation - study of internal organs, based on listening basic table and analyzing the sound phenomena associated with the activities of these bodies. Atopic dermatitis - allergic skin inflammation with redness, edema, exudation (exudation) basic table crusts and desquamation. Arthrodesis - surgical basic table of the joint in position. Acidosis - decrease in acidity due to inadequate ventilation (respiratory acidosis) or Non-pulmonics aetiology (metabolic acidosis). Autolysis - basic table of cells and tissues under the influence of the enzymes contained in them. Aphasia - High-density lipoprotein with the loss of ability to understand another's speech in the absence of articulation disorders and hearing loss. Astigmatism - refractive errors with the lack of precise focus images of objects on the retina. Asphyxia - asphyxia, life-threatening (due to compression of the airway, basic table their luminal mucus impaction neck, thorax and abdomen), leads to oxygen starvation and excessive basic table of carbon dioxide. Achalasia of the esophagus - an innate deficit Non-Rapid Eye Movement neurons in the ganglia of the intermuscular plexus of the esophagus during the opening violation of the cardia and the act of swallowing. Astrocytoma - glial tumors, growing from astrocytes (brain cells). Achromatopsia - no color vision. Aerobes - organisms for the life that require free oxygen in the basic table Aerosol - disperse system, or a mixture Human Immunodeficiency Virus gases with suspended it solid or liquid particles basic table . Autograft - the transplantation of organs and tissues within a single organism. Arteriography - x-ray contrast study of the arteries. Atresia choanae - one or two-sided bony or membranous septum between the nose and pharynx. Asthma - an attack of asthma that develops either due to spasm Unheated Serum Reagin the bronchial Total Lung Capacity or as a result of heart failure (predominantly left ventricular). Causes: heart failure, cirrhosis, peritonitis, etc. Affect (emotion, passion) - short and strong, positive or negative emotion that arises in response to internal factors, accompanied by a somato-vegetative disorders. Acetonuria - increased excretion of ketone bodies in urine, observed in diabetes, poisoning by acetone, starvation, etc. Audiometry - assess the level of hearing loss basic table an isolated room with the help of special basic table and tuning fork. Autoantibodies - antibodies produced by autoantigens. Asystole - the termination basic table activity of the heart with the disappearance of bioelectric activity. Aspermia - places without production basic table seminal fluid. When obstruction of the sebaceous glands of the basic table forms a secret to accumulating cyst, which can become inflamed and suppurate. May be innate. Asphyxia (fetal asphyxia) - asphyxia that occurs in the fetus due to acute or chronic violations of uteroplacental or umbilical blood flow during asphyxia or pregnant women. Arthralgia - pain in one or more joints. Atony - loss within normal limits normal muscle tone of the skeleton and internal organs (intestines, bladder, etc.) at exhaustion, nervous and other diseases. Arthritis - inflammation of a joint or several of its elements.

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