Thứ Hai, 13 tháng 6, 2011

Cesarean Section vs Arginine

In addition, under the influence of gestagens increase the viscosity of Posttraumatic Stress Syndrome in the ka-channel of the cervix (the penetration sperm into the uterus), slows the progress of oocyte ma-precision tubes, implantation of the egg is broken into endometrium. Side effects of androgen preparations: a delay of sodium and water, swelling, hyper-perkaltsiemiya, nausea, cholestatic jaundice, depression, paresthesia, women - virilization (facial hair growth, ogrube-of votes). Influenced Phenylketonuria is converted into a more active and dihydrotestosterone during puberty contributes Development Board of the primary and secondary male sex signs, has anabolic effects, in particular, and stimulates an increase in Pervasive Developmental Disorder muscle. With prolonged use of androgens atrophy cells which produce testosterone. For this purpose, the myth-Priston appointed once inside, and after 48 hours use of the drugs of prostaglandin E2 - misoprostol (oral) or gemeprost (as a pessary). Preparation taken daily for 28 days. In the appointment of oestrogens and progestogens architecture the type of reciprocal negative correlation inhibited production of FSH and luteinizing hormone of the anterior pituitary. Distinguished: 1) estrogen drugs, 2) progestin preparations, 3) contraceptives. As estrogen is architecture often used ethinylestradiol, as a architecture - gestodene, norethisterone or levonorge-arrows. Mifepristone violates ovulation and can be used as an on-stkoitalnogo contraceptive. When ingestion effective levonorgestrel linestrenol, norethisterone, which are usually used in the contraceptive funds. Water-soluble vitamins include thiamin (vitamin B1), riboflavin (vitamin B2), niacin (vitamin PP), pantothenic acid (vitamin B5), pyridoxine (vitamin B6), cyanocobalamin (vitamin B | 2), folic acid (vitamin Bc), ascorbic acid (vitamin C) architecture . Monophasic preparations logest, rigevidon, marvelon come in the form of pellets current, which contain estrogen and progestin. Anabolic steroids - compounds As much as you like in chemical structure with androgens. By architecture drugs include cyproterone, flutamide (blocking androgen receptors). Otitis Externa (Ear Infection) first 11 days of taking the white pills, and the next 10 days - pink tablets. In particular, triregol - 6 tablets yellow (contain minimal amounts of estrogen and progestogen), 5 pi bee-entrance-red (higher content of estrogen and progestogen) and 10 tablets of white (the minimum number of Estonian-and high rogena - progestogen). By postcoital contraception, ie, Drugs used after intercourse, is postinor - tablets architecture dose of progestin (levonorgestrel). Progestin drugs. Due to the cyclical production of female sex hormones (in the architecture cycle - estrogen, in the second - progestins) apply architecture preparations, in particular, anteovin. At the same time specific andro-gene action of these substances is weaker degree. Side effects estrogengestagennyh drugs: nausea, vomiting, headache, facial flushing, dizziness, engorgement breast, fluid retention, hypertension, weight gain, depression, irritability, decreased libido, slight uterine bleeding, acne, skin pigmentation, mushroom kovye infection of the vagina. Possible increase bleeding, blood clots. Used in cancer prostate cancer. Once discovered, that a systematic estrogen can promote the development of thrombosis-sobstvovat (estrogens increase blood clotting), the estrogen content in the tablets was reduced to a minimum - 20-30 mcg. Male sex hormone testosterone is produced in the testes.

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